In Romanian Language and in English Language (see below)
Inainte de toate se cuvine a face precizarea faptului ca toate speciile de lemn utilizate de catre GlassIdeas provin din surse admnistrate sustenabil, certificate FSC/comert echitabil si/sau sunt reciclate/recuperate impreuna cu activitati de constientizare.
In acelasi timp, este cunoscut inca din stravechi timpuri efectul arborilor asupra imbunatatirii sanatatii oamenilor, a se vedea articol
Lemnul de Mahon (ambele specii: Mahon American -Swietenia Mahogany cat si Mahon African - Sapele - Khaya Ivorensis) este un lemn scump, de esenta tare, extrem de durabil in timp, utilizat cu precadere pentru realizarea mobilierului de lux, a instrumentelor muzcale- in special a chitarelor, a finisajelor masinilor de lux cat si pentru realizarea de barci/ambarcatiuni. Lemnul de mahon este supranumit si "aur rosu"
Nucul este considerat cel mai frumos si impunator arbore fructifer, fiind denumit "regele pomilor fructiferi". Dacii il considerau arbore magic. Denumirea stiintifica i-a fost atribuita de Carl Linne, si anume Juglans Regia , de la cuvintele latine Jupiter (stapanul zeilor); glans (nuca) si regia (regesc). Lemnul de nuc este un lemn de esenta tare, foarte dens, rezistent si dur, cu o fibra spectaculoasa de culoare variind de la tonalitati deschise pana la maro ciocolatiu inchis, adaugand fiecarei piese create din asemenea lemn un aer distins, elegant si rafinat. Datorita texturii sale fine si fibrei complexe, pline de personalitate, lemnul de nuc este utilizat in obtinerea mobilierului de lux, in industria automobilelor de lux, pentru placarea peretilor, pentru elemente arhitecturale.
Fagul (Fagus Sylvatica) este o specie de lemn tare, avand culoarea crem pal cu accente maro, cu duritate si rezistenta mare la uzura. Celtii considerau fagul arborele invataturii si al cuvantului scris precum si simbolul prosperitatii.
Frasinul (Fraxinus Excelsior) este unul dintre arborii nobili. Lemnul de frasin, de culoare ocru deschis, foarte fin, elastic, dur si rezistent la socuri este valoros apreciat in industria mobilei, amenajari interioare, articole sportive, in constructia aeroplanelor. Are o nuanta, granulatie bogata, cu un aer vibrant. In mitologia scandinava, frasinul este considerat Arborele Lumii - arborele care constituie centrul lumii. De asemenea, druizii considera frasinul ca fiind unul dintre cei trei arbori sacri, alaturi de stejar si paducel.
Fagul (Fagus Sylvatica) este o specie de lemn tare, avand culoarea crem pal cu accente maro, cu duritate si rezistenta mare la uzura. Celtii considerau fagul arborele invataturii si al cuvantului scris precum si simbolul prosperitatii.
Frasinul (Fraxinus Excelsior) este unul dintre arborii nobili. Lemnul de frasin, de culoare ocru deschis, foarte fin, elastic, dur si rezistent la socuri este valoros apreciat in industria mobilei, amenajari interioare, articole sportive, in constructia aeroplanelor. Are o nuanta, granulatie bogata, cu un aer vibrant. In mitologia scandinava, frasinul este considerat Arborele Lumii - arborele care constituie centrul lumii. De asemenea, druizii considera frasinul ca fiind unul dintre cei trei arbori sacri, alaturi de stejar si paducel.
Stejarul (Quercus Robur) este recunoscut datorita rezistentei si longevitatii sale extraordinare (poate trai si peste 1000 ani). In mitologia slava este considerat arborele adevarului. In Anglia este considerat arborele regal, "The Royal Oak" semnificand forta/puterea. Lemnul de stejar este foarte durabil, are aspect indraznet, puternic si in acelasi timp demn, calm, cu variatii cromatice in amestec de compozitii. Se foloseste in special pentru sculpturi (inclusiv mobila), pentru parchet sau pentru placarea peretilor.
Ciresul (Prunus Avium). Lemnul de cires este un lemn de esenta tare, foarte scump datorita culorii sale elegante si granulatiei viu colorate, cu textura neteda, matasoasa, fiind remarcabil intr-un mod aparte datorita unei anume specifice note aristocrate. Ciresul este un arbore semnificativ in cultura asiatica, simbolizand Bogatia, norocul, dragostea, romantismul.
Dudul ( Morus Alba/ Morus Nigra) este un lemn de esenta tare, cu structura densa, lemnul de dud fiind foarte cautat, datorita rariritatii sale, in industria lemnului.
.Ciresul (Prunus Avium). Lemnul de cires este un lemn de esenta tare, foarte scump datorita culorii sale elegante si granulatiei viu colorate, cu textura neteda, matasoasa, fiind remarcabil intr-un mod aparte datorita unei anume specifice note aristocrate. Ciresul este un arbore semnificativ in cultura asiatica, simbolizand Bogatia, norocul, dragostea, romantismul.
Dudul ( Morus Alba/ Morus Nigra) este un lemn de esenta tare, cu structura densa, lemnul de dud fiind foarte cautat, datorita rariritatii sale, in industria lemnului.
About wood species in GlassIdeas jewelry (GlassIdeas wooden rings, GlassIdeas wooden pendants)
First of all, it should be noted that all wood species used by GlassIdeas derives from sustainable sources, FSC- certified/ Fair Trade and / or are recycled/reclaimed along with awareness raising activities.
At the same time, the effect of trees on the improvement of people's health has been known since ancient times, see
Mahogany wood (both species: American Mahogany -Swietenia Mahogany and African Mahogany - Sapele- Khaya Ivorensis) is an expensive hardwood, extremely durable wood, used predominantely for the manufacture of luxury furniture, musical instruments - especially guitars, the finishing touch of luxury cars and for construction of boats. Mahogany wood is also named "red gold"
At the same time, the effect of trees on the improvement of people's health has been known since ancient times, see
Mahogany wood (both species: American Mahogany -Swietenia Mahogany and African Mahogany - Sapele- Khaya Ivorensis) is an expensive hardwood, extremely durable wood, used predominantely for the manufacture of luxury furniture, musical instruments - especially guitars, the finishing touch of luxury cars and for construction of boats. Mahogany wood is also named "red gold"
Walnut is considered the most beautiful and imposing fruit tree, being called "the king of the fruit trees". Dacians considered it a magic tree. The scientific name was attributed to him by Carl Linne, namely Juglans Regia, from the Latin words Jupiter (the master of the gods); Glans (walnut) and regia (regal). Walnut wood is a hard, very dense, hard and hardwood with a spectacular color fiber ranging from cream tones to dark chocolate, adding to each piece made of such wood a distinguished, elegant, refined air. Due to its fine texture and complex, personality-rich fiber, walnut wood is used to manufacture luxury furniture, in luxury car industry, wall plating, architectural elements.
Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) is a hardwood species, with the pale cream color with brown accents, with hardness and high wear resistance. The Celts considered the beech being tree of the teaching as well as the symbol of prosperity.
Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior) is a one of the noble trees. Ash wood, having ocher colour, very fine, elastic, tough and durable wood is very much appreciated in the furniture industry, interior design, sports articles, in the construction of airplanes. It has a rich grain with a vibrant air. In Scandinavian mythology, ash tree is considered the Tree of the World - the tree that is the center of the world. Druids also consider the ash tree as one of the three sacred trees, along with the oak tree and the hawthorn. tree.
Oak (Quercus Robur) is recognized for its extraordinary strength and longevity (it can also live over 1000 years). In Russian mythology it is considered the tree of truth. In England it is considered the royal tree, "The Royal Oak" signifying power. Oak wood is very durable, it looks bold, strong and yet dignified, calm, with chromatic variations in the mixture of compositions. It is especially used for sculptures (including furniture), parquet or wall cladding.
Cherry (Prunus Avium). Cherry wood is a hardwood, very expensive due to its elegant color and vibrant granularity, with a smooth, silky texture, remarkable in a special way due to a specific aristocratic note. Cherry is a significant tree in Asian culture, symbolizing wealth, luck, love, romance.
Mulberry tree (Morus Alba / Morus Nigra) is a hardwood with a dense structure, the mulberry wood being highly sought after due to its rarity in the wood industry..
Beech (Fagus Sylvatica) is a hardwood species, with the pale cream color with brown accents, with hardness and high wear resistance. The Celts considered the beech being tree of the teaching as well as the symbol of prosperity.
Ash (Fraxinus Excelsior) is a one of the noble trees. Ash wood, having ocher colour, very fine, elastic, tough and durable wood is very much appreciated in the furniture industry, interior design, sports articles, in the construction of airplanes. It has a rich grain with a vibrant air. In Scandinavian mythology, ash tree is considered the Tree of the World - the tree that is the center of the world. Druids also consider the ash tree as one of the three sacred trees, along with the oak tree and the hawthorn. tree.
Oak (Quercus Robur) is recognized for its extraordinary strength and longevity (it can also live over 1000 years). In Russian mythology it is considered the tree of truth. In England it is considered the royal tree, "The Royal Oak" signifying power. Oak wood is very durable, it looks bold, strong and yet dignified, calm, with chromatic variations in the mixture of compositions. It is especially used for sculptures (including furniture), parquet or wall cladding.
Cherry (Prunus Avium). Cherry wood is a hardwood, very expensive due to its elegant color and vibrant granularity, with a smooth, silky texture, remarkable in a special way due to a specific aristocratic note. Cherry is a significant tree in Asian culture, symbolizing wealth, luck, love, romance.
Mulberry tree (Morus Alba / Morus Nigra) is a hardwood with a dense structure, the mulberry wood being highly sought after due to its rarity in the wood industry..
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